Saturday, January 5, 2008


I just spent a good long while browsing through the blog of Carlos Meglia.
I've long been a fan of his work - it seems to be the very best of everything I love in illustration. I first discovered his work on the Monster World mini-series a few years back, and have rabidly hunted down his work ever since. There's not a ton of stuff available stateside - a couple issues of Elektra, a handful of Superman stories, a Star Wars mini-series, the beautiful Superman Infinite City hardcover - but it's all lovely stuff.
Recently I added the first two volumes of his Canari series to my collection, and although - in my lack of bilingualacity (of course I know that's not a real word!) - I can't understand a word of it, I've fallen in love with this book. Meglia's at the top of his game here.
You can grab the Canari hardcovers at Stuart Ng Books ( - they're worth every penny.
And you can check in with Carlos Meglia's blog at
Get going!

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